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 Assessment of employee’s motor and sensory skills and workplace accessibility.


General info

Module: Assessment of employee’s motor and sensory skills and workplace accessibility.
Unit 1: General information

Description of the aimClick to read  
Target GroupClick to read  
Benefits of the toolClick to read  
DurationClick to read  
How to use the toolClick to read  
Unit 2: Assessment of employee’s motor and sensory skills and workplace accessibility

Assesed areasClick to read  
Assessment of motor skillsClick to read  
Decision table for assesment of motor skillsClick to read  
Type of support neededClick to read  
Assessment of mobility and accessClick to read  
Decision table for assesment of mobility and accessClick to read  
Type of support neededClick to read  
Assessment of perceptual skillsClick to read  
Decision table for assesment of perceptual skillsClick to read  
Type of support neededClick to read  
Action PlanClick to read  

The tool is a measure designed to assess the individual’s ability to work, both for people actually in work and those who plan to return to work. It could be used by the HR team members to identify special needs of the prospective employee or to support decision-making with regard to workplace adaptations.

Benefits of the tool

The tool ensures the early identification of specific worker’s needs before the employment and check of the worker’s capabilities to manage the requirement of the job, which will benefit in better match to the position. For already hired employees it results in better productivity if identified weaknesses are appropriately addressed by ethe employer support and equipment adaptations. It also may prevent early job exit due to the motor or perceptual impairment.

How to use the tool

The tool consists of three decision trees covering motor skills, mobility and access in the workplace and perceptual skills. After solving the decision tree and answering questions it is possible to identify the independence of worker in the specific area on seven point scale (1 – constant support, 7 – independence without modification) and identify possible workplace adaptations or specific equipment purchase.


Managers of small, medium and large organizations, HR team members


15 minutes

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