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 Employee survey – how do I increase employee engagement in my company?


General info

Module: Employee survey - How do I increase employee engagement in my company?
Unit 1: General information

GoalsClick to read  
ContentsClick to read  
Unit 2: General Information on employee surveys

Employee engagementClick to read  
How do I increase employee engagement in my company?Click to read  
How do I create an employee survey?Click to read  
Employee survey advantagesClick to read  
Engagement and commitment are important issuesClick to read  
Unit 3: Employee survey do’s and dont’s

Set clear goals for the employee surveyClick to read  
The most important dos and don'ts of an employee surveyClick to read  
Unit 4: Types of employee surveys

What types of employee survey are there?Click to read  
The employee survey is completed - what now?Click to read  
Unit 5: Sample questions for the employee survey

Sample questions for the employee survey Click to read  

A lack of employee engagement causes more absenteeism, higher employee turnover and inhibits innovation. It is therefore worthwhile to keep an eye on employee engagement and improve it. In this guide, you will learn how valuable feedback can be through exciting case studies. We show you how to properly design, implement and evaluate an employee survey.

Benefits of the tool

The guide will help you to learn: (1) How to get employees involved to participate in an employee survey; (2) How to perform an employee survey; (3) What types of surveys exist and how as well as when you use the different types; (4) What questions you should use when performing an employee survey.

How to use the tool

The tool consists of 4 Units.

1. General Information
2. Do’s and dont’s
3. Types of employee surveys
4. Sample questions to use




30 minutes

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