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 How to support wellbeing and health in the workplace?


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General info

The scope of this training tool is to support the wellbeing and health, and enhance the work participation of all employees, regardless of their current work ability and health status. In addition, the means of the Toolkit aid to prevent chronic health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, depression, and lung diseases. The mapping aids to recognise factors that already support employees to feel well at their workplace and what can be done in the future.

Benefits of the tool

The mapping of possible means helps find new ideas to introduce in the company to improve working conditions, which can benefit employees in the following ways: retaining full earning capacity, maintaining a productive mind-set, staying on a regular work schedule, avoiding dependence on a disability scheme and having a sense of security and stability. While for employers, it results in higher motivation, commitment and productivity of the employees and better productivity and it ensures that the company retains skilled staff and spares the additional costs of recruitment and training.

How to use the tool

The Checklist from Chrodis Plus Workbox Toolkit serves as a form for mapping current means and for planning future actions at the workplace and as an idea generator. It collects concrete, evidence-based, and practically proven means through which workplaces can support the wellbeing and health, and enhance the work participation of all employees, regardless of their work ability and health status. The person who fills the checklist can decide if the proposed mean is already in use in the company, not yet in use, but potentially beneficial and feasible for the company or selected for implementation in the company. It also gives space for own ideas.


Human resources personnel, the management of workplaces and catering service providers.


30 minutes

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