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 Competence test


General info

Module: Competence Test
Unit 1: General information

Description of the aim Click to read  
Target groupClick to read  
Benefit of the tool Click to read  
Duration Click to read  
How to use the tool Click to read  
Unit 2: Competence Test – What am I good at?

Competence Test – What am I good at?Click to read  
Which competences are there?Click to read  
This is why everyone should take a competence testClick to read  
What are your strengths?Click to read  
Competence Test and EvaluationClick to read  
And your career hero type is...Click to read  

When planning and shaping one's own career, preferences and interests are in the foreground. Basic questions are "What do I like?" or even "What do I want to do?" One factor should not be neglected: "What am I good at?" A competence test will give you answers to exactly this question. The field of possible skills and strengths is wide, the competence test can show you which area you are particularly good at and so you can be successful. The tool explains what is depicted in a competence test, why everyone should take such a self-test to find out your strengths....

Benefits of the tool

The guide explains what are competences, what types of competences exist and why someone should participate a competence test. The questionnaire gives you the possibility to do a short competence test and evaluate which career hero type you are.

How to use the tool

The tool is arranged in 2 sections.
1. Guide on competences
2. Competence test
Read the guide carefully and use the information it offers. The competence test helps you to find out which career hero type you are.


Employers, small and micro enterprise managers, entrepreneurs, employees


20 minutes

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