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AKKUEurope: Regulation of the work ability in EU small and micro enterprises through multimedia tools

Officially kick-started in November 2020, AKKUEurope is an international project co-funded by European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme.
SMEs play an important role in the European economy but are particularly affected by a shortage of young talent, as they are unable to compete with the services offered by Medium-Sized Enterprises and large companies in various respects (e.g. job security, pay levels, promotion opportunities). SME can and must react to this by paying special attention to maintaining the workability and employability of their existing workforces.

The aim of the AKKUEurope project is the systematic development and validation of a multimedia toolbox suitable for the target group on the basis of existing instruments, together with the owners and employees of selected SME companies. So far, thanks to the precious contribution of the Spanish partner Internet Web Solution (IWS) partners completed a very important achievement which is the testing and validation of the Online Educational Resource Platform (OER) associated to the project. The OER Platform is freely available for all user (I.E. no log-in and credentials required) and in multilanguage version (EN, GE, IT, MK, PL, ES) so to widespread the impact and visibility of its content.
For the next two years, the Platform will host all news about the projects, deliverables produced by the partnership and relevant information addressing the topic of workability in Europe.

Each section of the platform is the digital “repository” of a series of sources and resources that partners will develop and implement in the following next two years.
Particularly relevant will be the ANALYSIS of the existing tools for employability and the following TOOLBOX – two very strategic deliverables of the project.
The Analysis of the existing tools follows two main criteria:
• What the organisational dimension addressed by these tools?
- Health and performance
- Knowledge, technical ability (competence)
- Values, attitudes, motivation
- Work environment, work organization, leadership
• What is their expected impact?
- Enhancing major awareness on the topic
- Analysis and assessing the current status on workability dynamics
- Implementing new workability models
