EN | DE | ES | IT | MK | PL

The IPAQ Questionnaire

Dear Participants,
By answering to the following survey, You have the opportunity to assess and evaluate the kinds (and quality) of physical activities that You do on a weekly basis. Please, proceed to answer even if you don not consider yourself an active person: think about the activities you carry out at work, at home (i.e. gardening and house cleaning), walks to get from place to place, etc.
We are interested in finding out about the kinds of physical activities that people do as part of their everyday lives. The questions will ask you about the time you spent being physically active in the last 7 days. Please answer each question even if you do not consider yourself to be an active person.


Please, try to think about all the vigorous activities that you performed in the last 7 days. By VIGOROUS activities we mean activities with high-physical demand that consumed your breath faster than normal. Think only about vigorous activities that took at least 10 minutes at a time.

1. During the last week, how many days did you do vigorous physical activities (e.g. physical exercise, heavy lifting, running, etc.)?

  • day(s) per week
2. How much time did you spend doing vigorous activities on one of those days?
  • hours per day
  • minutes per day


Please, try to think about all the moderate activities that you performed in the last 7 days. By MODERATE activities we mean activities with light-physical demand that made you breath harder than normal. Think only about moderate activities that took at least 10 minutes at a time.

3. During the last week, how many days did you do moderate physical activities (e.g. bicycling, carrying light loads, etc.)?

  • day(s) per week
4. How much time did you spend doing moderate activities on one of those days?
  • hours per day
  • minutes per day


Please, try to think about the time you spend walking in the last 7 days (e.g. from work to home, and vice versa, for pleasure, sport and/or recreation)

5. During the last week, how many days did you do walk for at least 10 minutes?

  • day(s) per week
6. How much time did you spend walking on one of those days?
  • hours per day
  • minutes per day


Please, try to think about the time you spend sitting in the last 7 days (e.g. doing homework, studying, reading, lying down, etc.)

7. During the last week, how much time did you spend sitting?

  • hours per day
  • minutes per day
