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Quick Test Digitalisation

Measure your digital maturity in just a few minutes. Digital transformation only succeeds completely - or not at all. Digital transformation requires enormous changes - that is clear to every company by now. But technological solutions alone are not enough. Digitalisation affects all areas of your company - from strategy to customer relations to corporate culture.
The aim of this instrument is to give you an evaluation of your digital transformation process.

1. Customers
We involve customers in all phases of the development of products and services.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We offer our customers a positive, compelling product and brand experience across all channels.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We communicate in a needs-based manner in all phases of a customer relationship.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
2. Strategy
We have an overarching vision for the digital future of the company that every employee is familiar with.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We have a management that actively drives the digital transformation.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We have a clear roadmap for the implementation of the digitalisation strategy, the progress of which is continuously monitored against measurable targets.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
3. Business models
We are systematically expanding our range of services through networked products and digital services.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We develop new, digital business models.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We take an active role in the development of data-driven platforms, e.g. for production, logistics, distribution and maintenance.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
4. Technology
We have a highly flexible, responsive and easily expandable IT infrastructure.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We have established cyber security as a strategic task in corporate management.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We systematically use software-based data analysis to support business-relevant decisions.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
5. Processes
We continuously improve our business processes with the help of digital technologies.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We use standardised interfaces for the exchange of information with external partners.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We provide our customers with real-time information, for example on product availability, delivery dates or service status.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
6. Culture
We have a corporate culture characterised by fast decision-making, a willingness to experiment and transparent exchange.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We work according to agile principles throughout the company.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
We easily find new talents for our company who are open-minded towards flexible ways of working and new technical possibilities.
Applies full
Tends to be true
Tends not to apply
Does not apply
