General information

Mindfulness - a tool to increase concentration

Kind of tool:
Target group:
Duration in minutes:
10 minutes 
Description of the tool:
Mindfulness is a technique of meditation that helps to achieve work balance. Today's worker, under the influence of many stimuli, is often responsible for very different tasks and too many tasks to complete. Thus, the worker is not able to maintain attention or focus on a task for a longer period of time. Mindfulness technique trains the ability to pay conscious and full attention to the present moment. Effects include improving concentration, productivity, creative thinking and effective communication.  
Benefit of the tool:
Mindfulness practice increases the ability to concentrate on tasks and promotes empathy. Greater concentration and empathy allow one to identify and follow priorities more clearly, to improve listening skills, ability to communicate more clearly and effectively, and to suffer less from the distractions so typical of today's working world. Mindfulness helps to cultivate creative thinking, to keep the mind open to incoming thoughts, to increase working memory and decrease in emotional reactivity. 
10 minutes 
How to use the tool:
Mindfulness consists of 6 main steps. The first focuses on concentration which trains the mind to stay in the present moment. The second focuses on opening the mind for new ideas which helps to develop divergent thinking, in the sense of breaking away from the usual way of approaching problems and from implementation patterns built up through experience. The next step is precisely the increase in awareness and the ability to be in the 'here and now' to achieve better listening skills and to communicate more effectively. The fourth step is to manage emotions, especially negative emotions, which can be of great help in the workplace. The next, fifth concentrates on increasing empathy which allows to develop a deep understanding of yourself to feel good about yourself and be more willing and able to understand the feelings of others. The last step is an increase in working memory that results from meditation practice itself followed regularly for several weeks.  
Floor and Area:
SensibilizationAnalyzingRealization tools
Work organization
Values and settings
Qualification and competence
Health and performance

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