General information

Work-Life-Blending and work overload

Kind of tool:
Target group:
Employers, small and micro enterprise managers, entrepreneurs, employees 
Duration in minutes:
30 minutes 
Description of the tool:
Digitalisation enables access to data and media from almost everywhere. This means that the strict separation of work and private life is disappearing more and more. Work-life blending is the name of the game. Employees can also be available for clients at the weekend. They can not only do part of the work in the home office, but also sort out private matters during working hours as compensation. Sounds promising, but not every employee or employer is convinced. What significance work-life blending has in the world of work and what advantages and disadvantages are associated you will learn in this training.  
Benefit of the tool:
The training tool gives you a definition of what work-life blending means, gives you tipps on how to have a good work-life-balance, you can to a self-burnout test and check your health and you learn what is meant by work overload and how you can keep ypurself healthy when having too much work. 
30 minutes 
How to use the tool:
The tool is arranged in 2 sections. 1. Information on Work-Life-blending and work overload 2. burnout self-test  
Floor and Area:
SensibilizationAnalyzingRealization tools
Work organization
Values and settings
Qualification and competence
Health and performance

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