General information

Staff management, correct assessment and motivation – a guideline

Kind of tool:
Target group:
Employees of small enterprises 
Duration in minutes:
30 minutes 
Description of the tool:
As a leader, it is not always possible for you to see into the smallest corners of your company. You are dependent on the help of your employees when it comes to uncovering weaknesses and improving them in a meaningful way. One instrument to improve the quality of your company is a so-called quality circle. In contrast to simple meetings or working groups, the clear objective here is to bring about positive changes in your company. It is important that participation is absolutely voluntary. Voluntariness creates motivation and leads to a tangible result. In the long run, your quality improvement will become a self-runner if everyone involved participates in the quality circles with a positive attitude and supports this form of cooperation.  
Benefit of the tool:
1. Initiative and work motivation With the help of quality circles, your employees work voluntarily and together to improve your company. Quality circles promote initiative and work motivation. 2. Increasing work performance You will learn how to correctly criticising and praising your employess. These are important tasks of a manager 3. Assessing performance of team members You will learn how to assess the performance of your employees 4. How to perform a quality circle You will learn the roles and the steps on how to perform a quality circle to improve you leading skills  
30 minutes 
How to use the tool:
To make the most of the tool, we recommend that you read it carefully and take notes of the ideas that come to mind when you read it. Then you will know what you can implement in your business and how to do it. 
Floor and Area:
SensibilizationAnalyzingRealization tools
Work organization
Values and settings
Qualification and competence
Health and performance

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