General information

Working sessions: interviews, meetings and teamwork

Kind of tool:
Target group:
Small and micro enterprises. 
Duration in minutes:
20 minutes 
Description of the tool:
The tool aims to show the different working sessions that can be carried out in small and micro enterprises and how to develop them effectively. small and micro enterprises and how to develop them effectively.  
Benefit of the tool:
The tool will allow you to learn methods to promote teamwork, to face a job interview (both as interviewee and interviewer), to train workers. In addition, the objectives include: obtaining information, giving results, reducing the time needed to develop a project or a task and boosting user involvement and improving the product.  
20 minutes 
How to use the tool:
To make the most of the tool, we recommend that you read it carefully and take notes of the ideas that come to mind when you read it. Then you will know what you can implement in your business and how to do it.  
Floor and Area:
SensibilizationAnalyzingRealization tools
Work organization
Values and settings
Qualification and competence
Health and performance

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